How To Create a Registration Page

Learn to create a registration page in the OneVenue platform with this quick informative video!


A registration page is an opportunity to create a great first impression and lock in a potential attendee, and OneVenue gives you the tools to create a highly customized and perfectly branded landing page and registration experience.

Let’s click Registration on the left menu. Here there are multiple tabs for configuring the different registration page features:

On the Landing tab you can modify the overall characteristics of the registration page, including color palettes, where you could use company colors to help you brand the page, a hero image for the top or background of the page, a text editor for the event overview, and options for the page footer.

On the Track Info tab, we can add descriptions for the tracks available as part of the conference.

On the Registration Form tab, we can configure the form that attendees will fill out when they sign up for the conference. Attendees will always need to provide their name and email, but we can also enable pre-set form fields, such as country, job title or company, or we can create our own custom fields. These custom fields can be a text box, text area, or a dropdown list of options that we can specify.

Additionally, we can add a registration confirmation message that will be shown to the attendees after they submit the form.

The Consent Messages tab allows us to specify common policies that users may have to accept in order to sign up for the event, such as a privacy agreement or terms of use. Any of these messages can be enabled or disabled, and if we check required the attendee must read and accept it before they can complete their registration.

On the Registration Emails tab, we can compose emails that will be sent at different stages of the registration process: The confirmation email will be sent once an attendee is confirmed for the event, the waitlist email will be sent when an attendee has been placed on the waitlist, and the not approved email will be sent if the registration requires approval, such as in a non-open-enrollment class.

And finally, the Settings tab allows you to copy and preview your registration link, enable registration approval, schedule or open your registration, and limit what email domains you would like to allow or deny. This could be useful for private or company-restricted conferences.

And, of course, once you've made changes remember to click the Save button.

With a little bit of time and some exploration of the features available, you can make a perfectly branded landing page that will make a great impression on your attendees!